Health, Welfare and Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
At school we like to get to know each pupil very well, discovering their interests, hopes and fears. Children are encouraged to manage their own behaviour. The School expects good behaviour from all pupils.
The behaviour policy is based on an expectations, rewards & consequences system – rewards might include house points and good work assemblies which recognise effort and achievement in all aspects of school life. Restorative practices are also used to address behaviour issues.
All pupils at FJS should be well mannered and polite. As well as a pattern of reward, there is a clear system for consequences which are imposed if poor behaviour becomes a problem. We always try to address these problems in partnership with parents/carers. The full Behaviour Policy is available on the school website.
Health and wellbeing
Minor injuries are dealt with by staff with First Aid Certificates. Parents/Carers will always be contacted for more serious injuries. If a child is too ill to join in class activities he/she will be sent home immediately, for this reason it is vital that the school has up to date contact numbers.
The class teacher is responsible for the children’s wellbeing. Further help is available from the Pastoral Support Leader, Deputy and Headteacher.
First Aid trained members of staff have responsibility for children taking prescribed medication. Please let the school office or your child’s class teacher know of any particular difficulty or medical need your child may have. Only prescribed medication can be administered and only with a signed form of parental consent, which can be obtained from the school website or school office.
Safeguarding & Child Protection
All Norfolk schools are required to follow the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board Guidelines designed to protect children from abuse. Serious concerns for children’s well-being and safety will be reported by the Head to the Social Services. A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be found on our website.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff but it is led by the Headteacher, supported by three other trained designated staff.