All children wear school uniform. This contributes to a feeling of belonging and pride in the school.
Select from: Grey pinafore, grey skirt or grey trousers. White blouse/shirt, white or green polo shirt. Green school sweatshirt or cardigan. White socks or grey/green tights. For Summer, green/white check dresses, grey skirt or tailored grey shorts. White blouse/shirt, white or green polo shirt, white socks. Black school shoes.
P.E. Kit Black shorts, ‘T’ shirt in house colour and plimsolls for P.E. indoors. For outdoor games, a plain black tracksuit or sweatshirt (they can wear their school sweatshirt) and joggers/leggings and a pair of sports trainers. Please make sure that all equipment fits properly and that trainers and plimsolls are not past use. Flapping soles and no laces can be dangerous during P.E. sessions.
PE Kit should be worn to school on PE days.
Swimming Kit Y5: Waterproof bag, towel, swimming hat (available to buy from the office via ParentMail) and a swimming costume. Boys will need swimming trunks or swimming shorts (not baggy or long swimming shorts), and girls to wear swimming costumes (not bikini’s). Your child may also bring goggles if they wish.
Jewellery is not appropriate for school. Small stud earrings are acceptable; however children must be able to remove these for swimming. They should ideally be removed for PE, they can be taped over but the children must be able to do this for themselves.
We therefore, recommend that all new piercings should be done at the start of the Summer Break allowing 6 weeks for healing and practicing removal.
Suppliers of uniform
The School Office has supplies of swimming hats. All uniform can be purchased directly from Birds of Dereham via their store at Unit D 13 Yaxham Road Dereham Nr19 1HB, by phone 01362 699130 or online at or you can purchase items locally from Sew Sweet, Fakenham
01328 621277.
Fakenham Charities may be able to offer assistance in purchasing uniform, an application form can be found on our website:
Useful Forms and Downloads
Please contact the School Office (01328 862188) for any information